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your own reputation and your own word should be important to you

一个不算朋友的朋友写给我的:your own reputation and your own word should be important to you



有了宝宝真幸福啊!哦,不是我有了宝宝,是为在New York的杨杨的幸福生活开心不已。

看她女儿细美的博客:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2757840862,多么漂亮伶俐的一个小姑娘,长大一定很有才 :-*







Eating early breakfast starts a good day

Getting up early, having sour mustard + spring bamboo shoots steamed dumpling (包子) as breakfast is a good start of the whole day.

Hadoop HDFS hw should be taken seriously. It is possible that one day in the near future it will help me to get a high pay job, and then I can live rich girl life in a sunny place ^_^.

Java, MapReduce and Distributed File System are all cool to study! They all should be added into my daily practice calender!

BigData/MapReduce Software Engineer should be an interesting role~~







“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep movin’ forward. How much you can take, and keep movin’ forward. That’s how winnin’ is done.”

Really like one friend’s Facebook sharing: If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived.

(To be continued)

Be a modest prayer

First of all, thank God for protecting my friend and me from being injured in the horrible accident and guiding me to find a bodyshop that can fix my car with reasonable cost. “Be modest and careful, be polite and patient, and don’t waste time” will be my lifelong motto.

I swear, from today 7/10/2011, stop shopping clothes, cosmetics and jewelries until Thanksgiving Day, otherwise, I’m gonna bankrupt for sure.

Money, time and friends are the most important things to be treasured! Without them, I cannot survive myself in this practical world.

Keep in mind, from now on in this life, drive slowly and hit brake heavily when right turn!!!

Another thing to keep in mind, never put red clothe with other ones into laundry machine together!

Be a modest prayer, staying alerted and staying low key should be daily practice. Never lose cool unless you have an intention to make use of your anger.

Austin is a big shell

Cannot install PPstream, so cannot watch 非诚勿扰… Living in Austin without PPstream, there are lots of new things to check out!

Searched online and got address of GoDance studio, then drove there and took Salsa and Bechata courses. $16 per class, $95 per pair of shoes!!! And only ugly ones  left…Bought shoes and took class. Pretty happy and enjoyable with basic steps, inside/outside turns, walk-through, open break, etc. Male partners here are much better than guys in Shanghai, at least they have sense of dancing.

Watched Kongfu Panda 2 3D at Regal Gateway Cinema recommended by GPS. Good movie! Make me proud of being a Chinese. Only the $10+ ticket was not so nice. Because of it, I saved one planned meal at Asian Cafe suggested by Bobby, and believe I will try Ants Climbing a Tree someday in the near future.

Living in a big city can be lonely if knowing nobody and nowhere. People drive aggressively, what you see day in and day out is car, car, car…and buildings, no human bin stop for you unless you violate traffic rule…This is what I did in the beautiful Sunday morning, right turned to a one way 3 lanes road, got beep and yell, my first time catching other people’s attention in this city 😛

People don’t trust people easily, but people want to trust people eagerly. Being a selfish person is easy and can take a bit advantage, but he/she loses everything from the person who he/she takes advantage from at the same time. Don’t be a stupid shallow selfish individual unless you intend to disgust somebody. Be nice and be willing to help is always the key to make friends. Friends are important! Especially when you are alone in a new city.

Austin is a big shell. Shining and pretty. Don’t know yet if it is empty to me.

At least, I have to work really hard to make some deliverable next week, and need to make reservation for driving test. Don’t take risk too often, good luck comes and leaves unpredictably. 居安思危,切记切记!




一天前,年轻理性美丽的室友Yu和我坐在College Station的越南面馆吸着Pho饮着美味汤汁,畅谈周遭、人际和下个学期的住房;还是一天前,智商让人艳羡的、目前为止认识的人中身价最高的师兄和我在Texas Roadhouse啃着稍微有点焦和咸的牛排,祝福未来顺利、健康、有钱;两天前,美丽到出名的刚从中国返美的老乡来我家喝已经不带翅膀和腿的鸡汤、吃烤芦笋,互道衷肠;几天前,和开朗漂亮大方的Ying一道逛Mall一道在家看电影吃种类多的应接不暇的零食,眺望下学期、展望看不到头的明天;更早些,在可爱漂亮干练的邻居Jingyi的陪同下,开高速、考驾照、品尝酸酸甜甜入口即化的non-fat icecream,理解生活理解爱情。。。



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